Thursday, February 17, 2011

ArtServe: Gov. Snyder Recommends $2.58 million for State Arts Council (MCACA)


Governor Snyder Recommends $2.58 million for MCACA

MCACA Budget

This morning Governor Rick Snyder released his Executive Budget Recommendations for Fiscal Year’s 2012 and 2013. The Governor’s budget represents $1.5 billion in cuts and numerous other reforms.

In his detailed proposal, Governor Snyder recommends $2,580,300 for the Michigan Council for Arts and Cultural Affairs for each of the two fiscal years. In addition to this, the Governor’s budget allows for the council to keep returned or unused grant dollars instead of turning those funds over to the General Fund as in years previous – a first.

The one issue not directly addressed in the budget is the administrative line for the two-person staff of the MCACA. ArtServe will work with the Governor, Legislature and Michigan Economic Development Corporation (MEDC) to ensure that administrative expenses are addressed in the final budget.

I think it goes without saying that we are happy to, once again, be considered a priority under the executive office. We look forward to working with Governor Snyder, the Legislature and the MEDC to continue to improve upon the state’s support for arts, culture and arts education.

While Governor Snyder’s support means a great deal to ArtServe and arts advocates, the budget process is just beginning. We will be in touch with you in the coming weeks to ask you to make your voices heard when the MCACA’s budget goes before the House and Senate General Government Appropriations Subcommittees.


This morning the U.S. House of Representatives passed Congressman Tim Walberg’s amendment to reduce Fiscal Year 2011 funding for the NEA by a total of $45 to $46 million.

Thank you very much to those advocates who contacted their members of Congress and Congressman Walberg directly. Know that this is not over. While we are not sure as to how the final bill will pan out we do know that it still has to go through the Senate and be signed by the President – who previously stated his desire to veto a spending package that drastically cuts so many important programs mid-stream.


If you have any questions or comments please feel free to post them below or contact ArtServe Michigan's Director of Public Policy, Mike Latvis, directly at 248-379-5897 or

NOTE: This message was distributed earlier today via ArtServe Michigan's PUBLIC POLICY E-ALERTS. To receive e-alerts like this one directly to your email box as they develop in Lansing and Washington, please sign up here.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Cultural Alliance of Southeastern MI: HELP STOP DRASTIC NEA CUTS

The following message was sent out today by CASM (the Cultural Alliance of Southeastern MI) to their email distribution list:


AMERICANS FOR THE ARTS reports that overnight Sunday the House Appropriations Committee made even deeper cuts to the NEA and dozens of other programs and agencies. The proposed cut to the NEA is now set at $22.5 million (yesterday it was $12 million) which would represent the largest cut to that agency in 16 years.

A key paragraph in yesterday's Washington Post story covering these budget cuts explains what is happening: The Republican Study Committee, "Its ranks swollen with enthusiastic freshman who have never taken calls from constituents angry about loss of a favored program...threatened to oppose the package on the House floor next week unless deeper cuts were adopted."

It is quite possible these members of the Republican Study Committee will offer amendments to fully eliminate the NEA during floor consideration. We need you to send a message to your Members calling on them to reject these cuts to the NEA because they will negatively affect the district back home.

By taking two minutes today to send a customizable message through the Americas for the Arts E-Advocacy Center, we will automatically send letters on your behalf to both your Senators and your House Representative. This will ensure that your voice will be heard by Members of Congress (especially freshmen members), who are now assessing their constituents' viewpoints on these budget cuts.


Learn more about CASM here

Sunday, February 13, 2011

ArtServe: NEA cut imminent! Fed Action Needed

ArtServe Michigan

Vote to Cut NEA Imminent!
Attempt at Elimination Possible?

House set to cut $22.5 million to NEA – Possible Elimination Amendment

The U.S. House Appropriations Committee has proposed a mid-year budget
cut to dozens of valuable federal programs, including support for the arts. On
Thursday it was announced that they were to cut the National Endowment for
the Arts (NEA) budget mid-stream from $167.5 million to $155 million.

Twenty-four hours later we learned that members of the Republican Study
Committee plan to offer amendments that will cut funding to the NEA by
$22.5 million, taking funding from $167.5 to $145 million – the lowest level
of funding in 16 years. Unfortunately it might not stop there, with the same
members quite possibly attempting to introduce an amendment to

There are three members of the Michigan Congressional Delegation that
belong to the Republican Study Committee.
We must make it known, especially to the members above, that supporting
cuts that create and support jobs at home is unacceptable.

Here’s what you can do to help:

1. If you haven’t already, please take two minutes now to send customizable
messages to your Members of Congress via the E-Advocacy Center.

Consider adding the following to the end of the pre-loaded message:

For Fiscal Year 2011 the funding provided by the NEA, and matched
by the state, represented an appropriation of just over $2.5 million
($1.5 million in state GF dollars and $1 million in federal NEA funds) to
the Michigan Council for Arts and Cultural Affairs (MCACA). Support
from the NEA will allow the MCACA to make 220 grants that will
create 1,616 jobs while retaining another 6,585 jobs. Further, those
organizations will hire an additional 42,512 contract workers based in

The slashing of programs and agencies that create and sustain millions
of jobs and provide billions of dollars to the economy is irresponsible.
While government does have a responsibility to drastically reduce the
federal deficit, we must not let shortsightedness get in the way of
common sense.

I look forward to your response and urge your support of maintaining
funding for the National Endowment for the Arts at $167.5 million for
Fiscal Year 2011.

2. Stay Tuned! This Thursday, Governor Snyder will release his
Executive Budget Recommendations for Fiscal Year 2012. With
action at the federal and state level imminent, we will be in touch
to keep you informed and if necessary ask you to make your voice

3. Follow ArtServe on Facebook and Twitter to get up-to-the-minute
news and updates at the federal, state and local levels.

4. Make a $5 donation to help support ArtServe’s advocacy and
policy work at the federal, state and local levels.

As always, if you have any questions or comments please feel free to email or
call Mike Latvis at 248-379-5897.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Federal Action Alert: FY 2011 Historic Preservation Funding at Stake!

ArtServe Michigan

Federal Action Alert and MCACA Income
Tax Check Off

Federal Action Alert: FY 2011 Historic Preservation Funding is at Stake!

Below is a federal action alert sent out through the Michigan Historic Preservation
Network. Please read through the information and send an email to your members of
Congress. To find your members of Congress please visit

As we have been reporting, the funding levels for the federal government are currently
being provided through a Continuing Resolution (CR) that expires on March 4, 2011.
This CR, as result of Congress being unable to agree on a budget, extended funding
for FY 2011 at FY 2010 levels.

What happens in February and March is anyone's guess. Many believe that there will
be a serious attempt to cut funding for the rest of FY 2011 to FY 2008 levels, or much
worse. Here is what a rollback to FY 2008 would mean:

NPS Budget Line Item
FY 2008
FY 2010
State Historic Preservation Officers
Historic Preservation Fund
$ 39,376,000
$ 46,500,000
Tribal Historic Preservation Officers
Historic Preservation Fund
$ 6,399,000
$ 8,000,000
Save America's Treasures
Historic Preservation Fund
$ 25,000,000
Preserve America
Preservation & Recreation Account
$ 4,600,000
Heritage Areas
Preservation & Recreation Account
$ 18,000,000

With so many disparate voices on the Hill, bills specifically calling for the elimination
reduced spending and deficit reduction, it is important that we let our legislators know
how important historic preservation is - not only for the protection of our American
heritage, but for their ability to stimulate economic development and to create jobs.

1. Provide at least level funding for the rest of FY 2011 (at FY 2010 levels) for our
nation's historic preservation programs.
2. If necessary, defend our nation's historic preservation programs from elimination
or substantial cuts.
3. Support the heritage preservation and job creation effects of our federal historic
preservation programs.

For more information, go to:

MCACA Income Tax Check Off

In December of 2008 Governor Granholm signed legislation creating the Michigan
Council for the Arts Fund check off box on the Michigan Voluntary Contribution
Schedule form. This tax season, Michigan residents have their opportunity to
dedicate a portion of their tax return to the Michigan Council for Arts and Cultural
Affairs. Every dollar donated will go directly to supporting local arts and cultural
organizations and events throughout the state. Last year, the first year of the check
off, individuals contributed nearly $28,000 which helped further the reach of the
council by providing additional grant dollars to organizations and schools throughout
the state.

We need your help to spread the word that Michigan taxpayers can choose to
dedicate $5, $10, or more to the state arts council as they prepare their taxes for
this April. In anticipation of the upcoming tax season, ArtServe Michigan, in
partnership with Tanner Friedman, has developed a social media and email strategy
to help spread the word. Below you will find both strategies that you or your
organization can easily follow to help spread a unified message across the state.

Check 7for11 to contribute to the revitalization of Michigan’s communities
through the Michigan Council for Arts and Cultural Affairs.

What is the Check 7for11 campaign? Check 7for11 represents the positioning
of the Michigan Council for the Arts Fund on the Michigan Voluntary Contribution
Schedule form – seventh from the top.

Social Media Strategy: Check 7for11 will be the focus of the social media campaign
as we move to ensure a unified voice across all social media avenues. If you have a
twitter account, please make sure to include the hash tag #7for11 after each
message so that we can track the conversations that are taking place.
Additionally, we encourage you to place the shortened link for the Michigan
Voluntary Contribution Schedule form in each tweet or facebook message

Examples of possible Twitter messages:

* What’s #7for11? Your opp to #IgniteArts by donating to Mich Council for the
Arts Fund (7th on form) this tax season
* Mich Council for the Arts Fund provides grants to orgs like (ENTER YOUR
ORGANIZATION). Help this tax season #7for11
* Supporting arts across the state is as easy as donating during tax season to
Mich Council for the Arts Fund. #7for11

Examples of possible Facebook messages:

* Donations made to the Michigan Council for Arts Fund will help fund “bus grants”
so educators around the state can take their students to arts and culture institutions,
sparking their students’ understanding of other cultures and fostering creativity for
tomorrow. 40% of these students are at poverty level and wouldn’t be able to experience
these field trips otherwise. Your donations to #7 on Tax Form 4642 help fund these trips.
[attach link to]
* In 2008, Michigan saw more than $1.8 billion in tourist spending. Michigan’s arts and
culture community are part of what attracts out-of-state tourists to spend here. Let’s
support the programs that bring dollars into our state. Select #7 on Tax Form 4642.
[attach link to]

Email Strategy: Spread the information below to your network regarding the explanation
of the check off as well as the PDF version of the Michigan Voluntary Contribution
Schedule (form 4642) or the link to it, Informing your members and
supporters will ensure that we are able to maximize the opportunity created by the
check off.

Background Information: Below you will find the explanation, as it is written in the 1040
Instruction Booklet, of the Michigan Council for the Arts Fund. This description will only
be found in the 1040 instruction booklet as only the name of the check off is listed on
the form.

Michigan Council for the Arts Fund - Local Grant Programs: Help keep your community
thriving with quality arts and culture. You may contribute $5 or more to the Michigan
Council for Arts and Cultural Affairs in support of local arts and cultural events. These
contributions are returned to local communities and nonprofit organizations in the form
of grants. Programs and services funded by these monies include arts education and
low-cost performances and exhibits.

Attached is Form 4642, the 2010 MICHIGAN Voluntary Contributions Schedule, which
is the form tax payers will need to fill out to contribute to the Michigan Council for the
Arts Fund. You can print these off for your audience/members/supporters or at least
encourage them to ask their tax preparer to complete the 4642 form for them.

Thank you for your help in spreading this strategy to encourage individuals to support
the Michigan Council for Arts and Cultural Affairs!

As always, if you have any questions or comments please email or call Mike Latvis at