Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Slippery Language: Art, Creativity, Imagination, Innovation

Below is something I wrote yesterday as part of a writing exercise for an Arts Education workshop I attended (Strand 12: Creative Strategies for Differentiating Teaching and Learning through the Arts at the MI Teaching for Learning conference) in Lansing. The group began discussing slippery language (e.g. “Arts” compared with “Creativity”, “Imagination”, “Innovation”) which can have the potential to isolate the Arts in a bubble so that the general public is able to easily dismiss any connection between arts education/creative learning and the role they play in educating our youth to generate solutions to some of society's larger issues and challenges.

Let me first state that the following writing sample is my own - It is not intended as an official ArtServe Michigan communication piece and DOES NOT necessarily reflect the views of ArtServe Michigan or the core values of the organization or its mission.

It was, however, posted here in hopes of generating discussion around the critical issue of language facing the creative community here in Michigan. For instance, how different entities such as government, industry and the general public may react to the word ART in comparison with the buzz words of late such as CREATIVITY, INNOVATION or INVENTIVENESS - feel free to comment!

"Wordplay is so interesting...

Art vs. Design vs. Media vs. Industry

Freedom Fighter vs. Terrorist
Crime vs. Business
Liar vs. Hero
Anger vs. Outrage
Activism vs. Anarchy

Who flicks the pen that can switch perceptions from left to right?
From black to white?

Reality remains the same
But it is PERSPECTIVE that rules the world
(and has the power to change it)

Can put you to sleep when they do not stir you
Or connect to your spirit/dreams/fears
And yet can organize for change...

Can hurt or uplift...
But when played safe they do nothing but anesthetize
So we don't feel the pain of the changes that are affecting our families
Or at least all at once...

Are weapons and medicine
And should be wielded with the same power as swords and shields
Not turn into background noise like static on a TV
Or a bubbling brook in the woods...

Words have power!
Words are alive, evolving and never static...
Language is shifting...
We must stay up to date
Or we will disarm ourselves of this power."


Anonymous said...

This whole issue of language is one of the biggest challenges that faces those of us try to position arts and culture as relevant. Both words - arts and culture - carry connotations that make most people feel like they are for someone else, not them. Perhaps the most powerful thing we can do is to reach out to include more people, more artforms and more cultures. the words may then reveal themselves.