Sunday, May 17, 2009

Michigan Arts & Culture Budget

Arts in Crisis: Your Help Needed

On May 15th, 2009 ArtServe and over 50 arts advocates attended a standing room only hearing in front of the House Appropriations Subcommittee on the Department of History, Arts and Libraries in support of arts and culture in Michigan.

Among others testifying before the committee, Jennifer Goulet (ArtServe's President) and Mike Latvis spoke to the importance of arts and culture in Michigan and requested that the committee insert $12 million in funding for the Michigan Council for Arts & Cultural Affairs for fiscal year 2010.

In addition to the impact arts and cultural funding has on the state's economy, Mike opined the following:

Since the Governor introduced her recommendations, we have consistently heard her say that "we can't be everything to everyone". It has been the response to every concern and opposition to her budget.

Well we'd respectfully remind the Governor that government IS everyone and it should represent the needs of every one of its citizens as well as provide its communities and businesses with every tool available to help them succeed and thrive.

Given the estimated $1.3 billion deficit in this current fiscal year as well as a possible $2 billion shortfall expected for fiscal year 2010 it is clear that there is a structural deficit in this state. One that will require this administration and legislature to make tough choices on reforms - not cuts. It is not 'tough' to make cuts year after year...what is really tough is taking the time to understand what's working and what isn't and make the reforms necessary to move this state forward.

For the Governor to believe that $8 million will do anything to make a dent in this state's structural deficit is unreasonable and further proves a continued lack of support for arts and culture during the 7 years of this administration.

Click here to read the full testimony given by Jennifer and Mike

The committee will release its budget figures Thursday, May 21st at 10:30am in room 307 of the House Office Building. Trust that ArtServe will continue to keep you updated on any breaking news as well as what occurs at next week's hearing.

MCACA Meeting

As announced last week, The Michigan Council for Arts and Cultural Affairs will meet Thursday, May 21st at 3pm in the Forum at the Michigan Historical Center - 702 West Kalamazoo Street, Lansing, MI 48909-8240. This meeting will consist of the council's plans to address the $286,000 in mid-year cuts to the grant budget.

Have You Received A Response From Your Letter(s) to the Governor? Neither Have We!!

Take a minute to call the Governor's Constituent Relations Office to demand a response...and one that doesn't contain phrases including "tough choices" or "we can't be everything to everyone".

The Governor's Constituent Relations Office can be reached by dialing 517-335-7858

As always, if you have any questions or comments please feel free to contact Mike Latvis at or 248-379-5897.