Thursday, August 27, 2009

MI Senate Rejects Gov's EO and Passes SB 503-527

ARTSERVE MICHIGAN: Senate Rejects Gov's EO and Passes SB 503-527

Yesterday the Senate Commerce and Tourism Committee passed a package of bills that will keep the components of the Department of History, Arts and Libraries (HAL) together within the Department of State.

Moments ago, with a vote of 21 ayes, 14 nays and 2 excused, the Senate both rejected the Governor's Executive Order to close HAL and passed its own plan to close HAL but keep the components together within the Department of State.

This was the first hurdle in what will be a long journey if we are to see this package signed into law. The bills will now go before a committee in the House of Representatives before heading to the full House for a vote. There is certainly a sense of urgency in the matter as the House has until September 11th to join the Senate in rejecting the Governor's Executive Order, yet the House does not meet until September 2nd.

Thank you to the hundreds who quickly sent an email to your Senator regarding this issue. It is only through your continued support that Michigan's arts and cultural sector will have a chance at getting these bills passed.


As soon as ArtServe learns which committee the bills will be sent to, we will ask you to send a similar pre-drafted email to members of the committee asking for a hearing to be held as well as for their support.

Please know that these are only the first steps in a long journey for this package of bills if it is to be signed into law. ArtServe needs your help to continue to impress upon our elected leaders the importance of keeping the components of HAL together under one roof and ensuring that arts & culture in Michigan has an advocate that will stand up and fight for our issues.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions or comments,

Mike Latvis
Director of Public Policy
ArtServe Michigan