DUE 9/9! Call for Artists from Midland Center for the Arts in Midland, MI
Alden B. Dow Museum Holiday Art Fair 2011
Midland Center for the Arts in Midland, MI seeks artists for an indoor art fair, November 19-20, 2011. Only handmade original work, not the work of mass production studios. No work made with commercial kits, molds, patterns, plans or prefabricated pieces allowed. The Fair committee reserves the right to refuse exhibition of work not consistent with submitted images and/or these guidelines. Jewelers must be the designers and hands-on makers of their work. Purchased, facet cut gems may be used. Assembled, prefabricated jewelry is not allowed. Including a process statement would be helpful. Commercial prints of photographs using non-photographic methods such as 4-color printing or color copy machine are not allowed. $25 jury fee, add $5/add'l category. Deadline: September 9, 2011. Visit website for details, or send a SASE to: Alden B. Dow Museum, 1801 W St Andrews Rd., Midland MI 48640. Questions? Contact Emmy Mills at mills@mcfta.org or 989-631-5930 ext. 1401.
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